What is the Outside Denver Fund & why do we need it?
The Outside Denver Fund builds local races with local people. Because campaigns outside of Denver are far less resourced, but equally crucial.
The Outside Denver Fund invests in Colorado, not just Denver.
Building sustainable political infrastructure requires time and resources to recruit, train and strategize with local candidates.
As an essential tool at Upstream, the Outside Denver Fund’s regional reps work with campaigns before they launch to find a path to victory and create a roadmap for what is next for the community, candidates, issues, and staff.
Who is the Outside Denver Fund?
The Outside Denver Fund is a part of Upstream. Upstream has built the infrastructure around federal, state, and local campaigns by elevating the candidate and staff strengths and filling in the gaps that are not the campaign's strengths. Potential candidates or staffers frequently do not think they have the time or experience to run for office or a campaign.
Upstream will train staff and candidates on launching, filing, and building out a campaign staff. Val Nosler Beck is the founder of Upstream, who has run many campaigns but also has run for municipal election and lost and then won. Upstream and The Outside Denver Fund were ideas born to meet the needs of Colorado's candidates and staffers.